Since M&D ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD. was established 28 years ago, in1996, untiltoday, we have been very proud of our growth and success. The company’s prosperity is our suppliers, and the loyalty of our customer.Fundamental to our success has been our continuous focus and attention to providing the best service possible to our customers. Both now and in the future, we at M&D. recognize the importance of offering the best product available in the world to ensure a better environment for everyone. It our goal to help provide the best possible quality of life for today’s generation and for generations in the future.
Differentiation Cost Leadership Quick response
Differentiation We at M&D ADVANCE TECHNOLOGY will continue with our mission of being a sales, service and, facturer of quality and new technological innovation products.
Cost Leadership Low costs enable the leader to price its products lower than its competitors in order to win a large market share. Large businesses have the potential to operate at lower unit costs. The benefits of scale can be achieved
in marketing, sales, distribution, administration,R&D, and service.
Quick response Delivery of ordered products,Answering customers questions, Custutomizing products, Developing new product quickly.
Established in February 1996
* Tube Cleaner
* Tube Expander
* Torque Tools
* Bolting Tools
* Spring Balancers
121/36-39 M.6 Wactcharapol Rd., Tahrang
Bangkhen Bangkok 10220 Thailand
Tel: 662 998-4300-3
Fax: 662 963-5586
E-mail: mandd1@asianet.co.th
BATH 4,000,000.0